Original source: https://www.pinterest.de/pin/861876447414996762/
I am pleased to annouce the launch of rockit.dev!
In the end of august I was looking for a developer conference to attend. My employer pays for up to two conference visits in the year and it's been a while since I attended one. Last conference I attended was the W-Jax in Munich in 2017.
While looking for conferences, I didn't really found a good overview. I found a couple of lists aggregated by users on Github. And you know how developers think: "I should built that.". So during the last three months I built rockit.dev
rockit.dev (opens new window) gives an overview about conferences, workshops, talks and speakers. To get started, I integrated 11 conferences, but I plan to add a lot more.
I plan on adding a lot more development related stuff. Books from speakers, podcasts, hackathons, meetups, ...
I also got to try a couple of new technologies. The backend is built using Spring Boot, Kotlin, Postgres and GraphQL. The frontend is built using NuxtJS, Vue, TypeScript and Bulma.
I would love to get feedback!